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Nile International Training, Development & Consultancy" Niletdc"

 Nile International   Training, Development & Consultancy LTD" NITDC" is a consulting firm, privately – held stock company founded under the South Sudan Laws. The main office is located in Juba.

Our strength is in the development and implementation of results-oriented and sustainable strategic change initiatives that enable firms and organizations to achieve their goals and objectives.

Through our interactive, working-partner style, we focus on top management level concerns, helping businesses initiate change and harvest the benefits, whether it’s through improving overall operations or transforming the enterprise. Through collaboration and teamwork, our consultants impeccably integrate strategy and business technology to help you meet your business goals

"NITDC" is also a specialist in information technology (IT) and management professionals. We offer abroad array of hands-on IT, project management, and professional skills training featuring proprietary core and custom curriculum, to turn knowledge into productivity for employees, customers, and channel partners.


  • To be the first choice in training and consultant markets by meeting clients expectation and securing their future, ensuring on the Excellent services we provide to our clients according to our vision.


  • Create, promote and foster an organizational environment that values development, diversity and growth opportunities for all employees.
  • Provide quality, cost-effective training designed to increase individual   and organizational productivity and enrichment.
  • Create, promote and foster an organizational environment that values   development, diversity and growth opportunities for all employees.
  • Provide individuals and the organization with the tools to respond   effectively to customer needs as well as current and future demands for   service.
  • Provide development opportunities that enhance knowledge, develop   skills and enrich the organization
  • Provide ongoing leadership and support to the organization’s     succession  efforts.
  • Promote, support and leverage technology resources and tools to   improve and enhance workflow efficiency and improve customer   service.

2. Our Services

  •  Nile International Training, Development & Consultancy LTD "NITDC" focuses on the formulation of alliances and partnership with government, public and private sector enterprises in an effort to

-    Develop and deliver quality professional training programs

-  Provide organizations with technical assistance and on job training

  • What are the fields we are working in?

-  Human Resources Development (HRD)

-  Career Development and Career Planning  and Preparation of

-  Financial and Accounting

-   Project Management

-   Engineering Studies

-   Oil and Gas programs such as

-       Exploration

-       Drilling

-       Petroleum Engineering and Reservoir Management

-       Refinery and Petrochemicals

-       Gas Technology 

-       Operational Audits

-   Safety and Occupational Health

-   Agricultural Consultancy Services 

3. Market Analysis and Plan

  • Target market, Customers' demographics and segmentation,

-Our target markets includes

i.    Oil & Gas Companies i.e GPOC, DPOC and SPOC

ii.   Banks

iii.  NGOs

iv.  Insurance Companies,

v.   Telecommunication companies

  • Our competitors in Oil & Gas Sector includes;

i.  Sunmaker


iii.  Yabus Inch.

iv.  More other in South Sudan Oil & Gas Industry

4. Marketing Strategy

  •  Our competitive edge,

-  our training services will be more of great  help to employees to acquire new skills and knowledge, improve performance, and increase job satisfaction

  • pricing strategy,

Our price points will be reflecting the cost of the core training courses, the perceived value of educational content, the level of expected demand and competitive pricing pressures. More complex courses naturally command a higher price for related education

  • Sales & marketing plan,

-  Word-of-mouth marketing is a powerful way to increase sales.

Satisfied clients are more likely to recommend training providers to their colleagues, friends, and family.

We will leverage this by encouraging clients to share their positive experiences through testimonials, case studies, and referrals.

Email marketing. If you've got a long list of email addresses of delegates and clients that have once trained with you gathering dust, this has to be your place to start

Facebook. Sharing our training services on our facebook page